
  • O. V. Kuzmenko
  • V. H. Chorna
  • S. O. Ostrovskіy




local councils, local budgets, environmental protection, animal world, plant life, public administration, war, development programs, fish resources, nature protection zones.


Abstract. In the language of decentralization of power, local councils are one of the important subjects of public administration, which is endowed with rights and responsibilities regarding the restoration and protection of the natural environment. It is they who must ensure the measures and powers provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law” necessary to ensure the defense of Ukraine, the protection of the safety of the population and the interests of the state. Temporary state bodies, namely military administrations, may also be formed in the territories where martial law has been imposed, in order to ensure the operation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, the functioning of these temporary state bodies does not stop the activities of local self-government bodies. The activities of local councils are financed thanks to local budgets. The main revenues to local budgets are taxes, transfers and income from own sources, which is provided for by the Budget Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”. In the conditions of martial law, a number of territories have suffered losses and significant damage due to the fact that they are near the front, the number of enterprises in this territory has decreased or disappeared altogether, that is why these local communities need a significant amount of funds for the restoration of both territories and infrastructure. That is, today local councils have different financial support, the state of territories, the existence of businesses that pay taxes to the local budget. One of the responsibilities of local councils is to protect the natural environment within their own territories. It should be noted that today 812 nature protection zones, the total area of which is almost one million hectares or 20% of the total area of all protected areas of Ukraine, have been affected by military operations. The territories under occupation and those where hostilities took place suffered the most damage. 16 Ramsar sites (wetlands of international importance), about 160 territories of the Emerald Network (a network of protected areas created for the preservation of species that need protection at the European level) and two biosphere reserves are under threat of destruction. Part of the national natural parks is on the verge of a humanitarian disaster. The specified damage must be restored by the state with the help of local self-government with the help of state funding and funds from local budgets.


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How to Cite

Кузьменко, О. В., Чорна, В. Г., & Островський, С. О. (2023). FEATURES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AT THE ACCOUNT OF LOCAL BUDGETS. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 92-96. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2023.3.12




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