
  • I. O. Lychenko
  • V. H. Chorna



public administration, baby food, child, health care, public administration, production and baby food


This article has emphasized the concept and essence of public administration of baby food. The authors emphasize that public administration is regulated by normative-legal acts by the activity of authorized bodies of state and local self-government bodies, state-owned enterprises aimed at: providing healthy and rational baby food for children, development regulation of processes of production and circulation of baby food in Ukraine, bringing the perpetrators to justice for violation of legislation in the field of baby food. It is determined that the principles of public administration of baby food are the main starting ideas and patterns, which underlies production and logistics processes in order to provide infants of infants and early age sufficient, high quality and safe baby food and the realization of the child’s constitutional rights to a sufficient standard of living, Health and life. It is proposed to divide the principles of public administration of the sphere of baby food into: general principles of public administration; special principles; Institutional principles. If the first and a group of principles are expressed in scientific research, then institutional principles are characterized by specific features that determine the basic principles of development of baby food as a whole. It is determined that the subjects of public administration in the field of baby food are: 1) subjects of general competence: Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; 2) subjects of special competence: Ministry of Health of Ukraine; Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine; Ministry of Economy of Ukraine; State Service for Food Safety and Quality and Protection Consumers other bodies and institutions; local governments.


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How to Cite

Личенко, І. О., & Чорна, В. Г. (2023). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF BABY FOOD. Kyiv Law Journal, (1), 209-213.




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