
  • V. G. Chorna
  • A. Yu. Broda




special educational needs, person with a disability, higher education, higher educational institutions, the right to education


This scientific article reveals the current problems of people with disabilities in higher education. The problem of free access to higher education for people with special needs is quite relevant. Given that the disability of the population, unfortunately, has a negative trend to increase in numbers, it is increasingly attracting equal and free access to education for all categories of the population, especially people with special needs. The author focuses on the existing barriers to higher education for persons with disabilities (non-compliance with legal requirements for the organization of the education process of persons with special educational needs, for example, the predominant absence of special educational and rehabilitation units in the structure of higher education institutions; lack of special scientific and methodological material and educational literature for knowledge, the difficulty in organizing the learning process for different categories of people with special educational needs depending on their characteristics, which provides a variable approach and the mandatory availability of specially equipped classrooms, passive policy at the national level and higher education policy to ensure the right of persons with special needs to education, the lack of long-term development programs to meet the special educational needs of persons with disabilities, it is necessary to create conditions for changing negative stereotypes and attitudes towards people with disabilities in country society on the basis of achieving social solidarity and social justice, etc.). It is determined that the optimization of the process of obtaining access to higher education for people with special needs is the introduction and promotion of further globalization processes, video communication, application and promotion of multimedia technologies, etc., which will help improve the learning process. That is why the need to identify the problems faced by people with disabilities in exercising their constitutional right to higher education is becoming urgent.


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How to Cite

Чорна, В. Г., & Брода, А. Ю. (2021). CERRENT PROBLEMS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES WHEN OBTAINING HIGHER EDUCATION. Kyiv Law Journal, (1), 52-59. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2021.1.8




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