plan of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, mechanisms of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, legal forms of reform, reform of public administration, Russian-Ukrainian warAbstract
On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. The outcome and duration of the war are currently uncertain. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that Ukraine will need post-war reconstruction. Various governments and international organizations have expressed their readiness to help Ukraine recover from the war. The relevant study outlines the main legal forms and mechanisms of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. It is emphasized that all new tasks, both in wartime and in the post-war recovery period, require capable state institutions, effective systems and processes, trained civil servants at all levels of government. It is time, as never before, to reform public administration. The main principles of Ukraine's post-war reconstruction plan will include: maximum access to the markets of the European Union and the G7; obtaining candidate status and then full membership in the European Union; building the economy on the principles of liberalization; establishment of logistics routes with Western European countries and the United States; the transition from the export of raw materials to processing in those industries that provide the largest export revenue; development of the domestic military-industrial complex; increase in own gas production and development of nuclear energy. After the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Ukrainians will have to adhere to several basic principles: to build Ukraine on a new social contract, where corruption is unacceptable, where human rights and justice are the highest good; instead of rebuilding the old infrastructure and public administration system – create a new urban infrastructure, new energy and industry, a new progressive education system, new adaptive public institutions – and so on in every area. The restoration of Ukraine should be the same historical example for our time as the restoration of European countries after the Second World War. The war in Ukraine is definitely a catastrophe. However, on the other hand, it opens a window of opportunity, in particular, to involve world experts in various fields in the modernization and restoration of the country.
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