digitalization, innovation society, information society, electronic management, digital market, open knowledge, open innovationsAbstract
This scientific article examines the features of digitalization in an innovative society. Prospects for implementation and development in Ukraine are identified. The development of the modern global world is characterized by the processes of transition to the knowledge economy and information society, the strengthening of digitalization (digital transformation), which will eventually, according to the "theory of generations" by W. Strauss and N. Howe, make Generation Z (born between the second half and the second half of two thousand) completely "digital", ie one that freely uses the virtual. All this will lead to radical changes that will shape the economies of states and their socio-economic development. This process will be accompanied by various risks and challenges for the state, economy, business and the public. Today it is important to use the significant potential of Ukraine's IT sector to capture new markets, given the inevitability of the global crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. At the same time, the temporary loss of budget revenues can be offset by increased exports of IT services. Therefore, in the new global realities, it is important to stimulate the development of this industry in order to develop the domestic and increase the share of the external market of IT services, creating jobs. Based on a study of the development of digitalization in Ukraine, it is noted that today it is important to use the significant potential of Ukraine's IT sector to capture new markets, given the inevitability of the global crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. the sphere does not depend on many factors and allows to work remotely. Therefore, in the new global realities, it is important to stimulate the development of this industry in order to develop the internal and increase the share of the external market of IT services, creating jobs. This and other measures of digitalization of society should promote mutually beneficial participation of Ukraine in the single European digital space.
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