Methodology of public administration of public sanitary and epidemic well-being


  • O. O. Voroniatnikov



method, sanitary welfare, scientific knowledge, hygiene, sanitation, infectious diseases.


Abstract. In this scientific article the methodology of public administration in the field of sanitary and epidemicwelfare of the population is investigated. General and special methods are revealed.Methodology is a way to achieve a research goal through the use of scientific knowledge and diverse information,clarification, enrichment, systematization of terms and concepts, as well as through the introduction of scientific achievementsin the fund of the theory of a particular science. It is established that the methodology of public administration in the fieldof sanitary and epidemiological well-being is a system of methods and forms, principles, means of scientific knowledge inthe field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being to ensure quality health and human environment. It is systemic becauseit allows for special scientific knowledge and social practice to study certain objects as complex systems.It is argued that the methodological foundations of public administration in the field of sanitary and epidemiologicalwell-being of the population consist of a system of different methods of studying the general and specific patternsof origin, development and functioning of phenomena and processes. The system of available scientific methodsis described, it is determined which of them and for what purpose the author used to study public administrationin the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population: synthesis; The observation revealedthe peculiarities of world pandemics and the specifics of counteracting them; the experiment was used in a studyto combat the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the manifestations of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine;the comparison was widely used to study the international experience of public administration in the field of sanitaryand epidemiological well-being of the population, etc.It is proved that for a complete and comprehensive study of public administration in the field of sanitaryand epidemiological well-being of the population requires the use of methods of isolation and study of the empiricalobject, and methods of processing and systematization of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Воронятніков, О. О. (2022). Methodology of public administration of public sanitary and epidemic well-being. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 110-115.

