transport legal relations, content of transport services, contract of carriage, participants.Abstract
Abstract. This scientific article examines issues related to social relations that arise between transport companies and consumers in connection with the provision of services for the use of vehicles for the transportation process. A study of the legal nature of transport services and the peculiarities of transport legal relations in the provision of transport services in Ukraine is conducted. The article presents the characteristics of transport services as an object of civil rights. The peculiarity of the content of the transport legal relationship and the factors affecting the quality of the transport service are determined. The peculiarity of transport services is that they provide, first of all, the achievement of a certain result, namely the transportation of cargo by a certain type of transport in a certain period to a certain destination. At the same time, the legal regime of the transport service is determined by the content of the service, the order and procedure of its provision, and the peculiarities of the subjective composition of the performers of the provision of transport services. Transport services are an objective legal category characterized by a number of features. Transport services are characterized by the term of performance, the subject of performance, the content of the service and the method of performance. Both participants of legal relations take part in the formation of the content of the service, then under the conditions of agreement of essential services of its provision, it acts as an object of civil legal relations. In public contracts, transport services are the subject of civil rights, as their carriers are special subjects who have a special permit to provide them. Transport legal relations are characterized by the fact that they are always formed on the basis of legal norms, its participants are endowed with mutual rights and obligations, have a consciously voluntary nature, are guaranteed and protected in the prescribed cases by the power of state coercion. The peculiarity of transport services is that they provide, first of all, the achievement of a certain result, namely the transportation of cargo by a certain type of transport in a certain period to a certain destination.
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