improvement of legislation, streamlining of legislation, information on legislation, legal monitoring, accounting of legislation, incorporation of legislation, digital technologiesAbstract
The article notes that the key element of rule-making by public authorities to improve the content and / or form of legislation is information on the state of relevant public relations, which need to improve their legal regulation, as well as streamlined information on the legislation they regulate. The activities of public authorities that make it possible to obtain such information are legal monitoring, as well as official accounting and incorporation of legislation. In the context of digital transformation of public relations, these activities of public authorities should be carried out using modern information-analytical and information-search technologies. Based on the analysis of legislation, in any rule-making process there are several main stages: 1) decision-making on the need to adopt a legal act; 2) preparation of the draft text; 3) the official procedure for the adoption of the NPA; 4) its promulgation. It should be noted that rule-making to improve legislation, depending on the nature of its changes, can be aimed only at improving only the content of legislation without changing its form. First of all, it is a substantial update of regulations in connection with the needs of social development, etc .; or vice versa – changes in legislation without changing its content. In this case, it is a matter of consolidating the legislation, clearing it of invalid, outdated legal provisions, eliminating unnecessary duplication, etc .; there may also be a change in both the content and form of legislation at the same time (for example, codification of legislation or primary rulemaking). The relevant nature of changes in legislation also determines the content of information needed to make a decision at the first stage of the rule-making process related to the improvement of legislation. Features of official and official (semi-official) incorporation are revealed. It is noted that the information prerequisites for improving the legislation (in terms of its content and / or form) consist of two interrelated components: the availability of information on the state of relevant public relations that need to improve their legal regulation, and the availability of complete and orderly information on legislation. are regulated.
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