call statute of limitations, lines of registration before trial, legal regime of the military camp, ships on the right, judicial practice, the principle of legal importance.Abstract
Abstract. The article contains an analysis of the norms of law that regulate nutrition, related to the longstanding period of application to the court, as well as the omission of this line and the establishment of its renewal between the civil, state and administrative judicial process iv. It is respected that from the day of gaining authority, the Law of Ukraine “On introducing changes to the Civil Code of Ukraine in order to thoroughly establish the procedure for registering the slaughter” No. 3450-IX dated 08.11.2023, and as of 30.01.2024, and lines of call prescription, as written in Tsivilny The Code of Ukraine was updated, at least during the war period. It is noted that the urgent changes in the legislation of Ukraine, a person who is subject to trial in the order of civil and sovereign justice, and with which the stagnation encourages the introduction of lines by the Civil Code of Ukraine, among any person or you can go to court for the protection of your private right or If you are interested, you are not required to provide specific reasons for your omission, but it will continue automatically. In connection with this, the authors destroy the principle that the legislator often stagnates the lines of execution before the trial within the boundaries of civil, state and administrative courts, but it is not necessary to place participants in these court processes at risk. c. The statistics shows the current situation: – the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On introducing changes to the Civil Code of Ukraine in order to thoroughly establish the procedure for registering the slaughter” No. 3450- IX dated 08.11.2023 lines of limitation are also privately legal disputes (civil and civil) are limited to the entire the hour of war; – for the most important ships, at the time of military action, it is recommended to eliminate this method of protection, such as stashing the lines of seniority for calls, in case they were missed, for example, without good reason; – in the court rights of the administrative jurisdiction at the time of the war, the establishment of the filing lines before the court was not completed, and it was shown that the subjects of the ownership were not abrogating the right in their arguments to appeal to Do not omit such a line without good reason; – the dissimilarity of the legislator’s approaches to the rights and obligations of both parties in private law disputes and to the establishment of statute of limitations and lines of application to court, looking at the types of legal acts that are not settled, to place participants in disputed rights It is true that the power, the unequal station, is at fault, does not agree with the concept of “legal significance”. On the basis of this analysis, a conclusion has been drawn that the relevant rules of law are debatable and require further ground-level examination. Because of the importance of approaching the stages of brutality before the court to put participants in controversial legal issues that arise in the state, in an unequal situation, then the legislation in this part encourages further refinement. For such reasons, jealousy may be ensured by the promotion of positive actions on the side of the state to regulate actual inequality. Therefore, the legal norms that establish the procedural lines of proceedings before the trial should be strengthened by the way of establishing a uniform approach in all judicial processes. The current approach of the legislator to solving the problem of the term of appeal to the court is controversial and generates controversy, and the issue of the term of appeal to the court, renewal and extension of such terms in the future should be unified in all court jurisdictions.
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