legal mechanism, social protection, social rights, civil servants, social legislation.Abstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of legal mechanisms that ensure the social rights of civil servants in Ukraine. In the conditions of modern transformations of public administration and the growth of public expectations regarding the quality of public services, guaranteeing the social rights of public servants is a key aspect of ensuring the stability and efficiency of the public service. The article examines the peculiarities of legal regulation of social protection, including the right to work, wages, social security, as well as other social guarantees provided for by national and international social legislation. Special attention is paid to the role of legislative and by-laws in ensuring an effective mechanism for their implementation and protection. The study highlights how modern labor legislation and acts regulating the civil service affect the sustainability of the social rights of civil servants. The author carries out a comparative analysis of Ukrainian legislation with the relevant legal norms of the European Union, which allows to identify the existing shortcomings in the domestic legal system and to propose ways to eliminate them in order to approach international standards. The author also draws attention to the problems related to the inconsistency of various legal norms regulating the social rights of civil servants, in particular, between civil service laws and other sectoral acts. Issues of judicial and administrative protection of social rights are considered separately, including the analysis of judicial practice, which reflects the real state of protection of these rights. The importance of an effective mechanism for the protection of social rights for the motivation and retention of highly professional personnel in the public service is revealed.
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