information in the field of medical care, civil legal relations, informational legal relations in the field of medical care, medical information, types of information, medical assistance, medical care, personal dataAbstract
This article is a comprehensive study of types of information and their features as an object of legal relations in the medical field. The basic principles of information law in the medical field and methods of their implementation are analyzed. The article substantiates the choice of the research topic, reveals the connection with various scientific approaches and topics, defines the goal, task, subject and object of the research, characterizes the methods of scientific knowledge used in the research. Research directions include: consideration of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of types of information as a component of the field of medical care; analysis of the main principles and principles of information law functioning. A comprehensive analysis of scientific approaches to the concept of types of information was conducted, various approaches to the methodology of building categories and typologies of types of information were investigated, and information as an object of civil legal relations and its legal nature was also investigated. The content of information and its types in society as a whole, which is directly related to the functioning of the medical field, was studied. Complete consideration of the topic is impossible without working out the issue of the object of informational legal relations, which was carried out in this article. The importance of the role of information in the field of medical care was assessed, as it covers all areas of medical relations: from informed voluntary consent to medical intervention, informing about the right to treatment based on new clinical protocols to the possibility of participation in clinical research. An analysis of the implementation of informational rights in selected areas of medical assistance was carried out. The leading scientific concepts of approaches to the concept of information law are considered and the most successful examples, in the opinion of the author, are highlighted. A historical excursion was made on the path to the formation of the legal category of information law in the medical field.
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