public health protection, health care institutions, state policy in the field of proper functioning of the health care system, local self-government bodies, powers in the field of proper functioning of the health care systemAbstract
The article clarifies the concept and essence of state policy in the sphere of ensuring the proper functioning of public health protection by local self-government bodies; an analysis of the legal basis for ensuring the proper functioning of the health care system by local self-government bodies was carried out, their defects were identified and directions for improvement were proposed. As a result of the study, it was established that the state policy in the field of ensuring the proper functioning of the health care system by local self-government bodies is a system of organizational, regulatory, scientific, resource, information-analytical and methodological measures aimed at ensuring the provision of quality medical services to the population of Ukraine. by creating an effective network of medical institutions, properly financing them and providing quality medical services at the expense of funds and resources of local budgets properly accumulated and distributed by local self-government bodies. Areas of improvement in the implementation of public health policy by local self-government bodies: 1) introduction of electronic registers and services in the field of health care (doctor databases; patient databases, introduction of an electronic waiting list for a doctor, maintenance of a patient’s electronic hospital card and etc.), i.e. what is provided for in the 2020 Concept of Electronic Health Care Development; 2) conducting an inventory of the material and technical base of communally owned health care facilities (identification of health care facilities that need to be reduced or merged with more powerful specialized facilities, while it is necessary to preserve the specialization of this health care facility, improve the condition material and technical support for the work of doctors, but to optimize by reducing the administrative staff of such institutions; 3) development of a transparent and open procedure for calculating and distributing medical subsidies from the Ministry of Health to health care institutions and vice versa; 4) updating the classification categories of medical personnel, according to which the salary grid will be formed (because today there is a significant distortion in the salary of family doctors (general specialization) and specialized doctors and medical personnel who directly provide medical services, but receive more than twice the salary Less); 5) promotion of the development of private health care institutions and their receipt of subventions in terms of their provision of general medical services (therapeutic services).
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