public service, public service, stages of public service, public form of power, administrative mechanism, state formation.Abstract
Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the research and comprehensive analysis of the formation of the administrative and legal foundations of the public service in Ukraine using the synthesis of retrospective analysis methods and tools. It is argued that the question of the formation and development of the public service in Ukraine, as well as in any other state, cannot be considered in isolation from at least the most general characteristics of the main stages of the formation of statehood itself. The main reason for the emergence of the public service was the process of approving a centralized state, which unfolded against the background of a rather complicated foreign policy situation of the country, because despite the large territory, the weakness of commodity and money ties, the economic disunity of certain parts of the state, the need for organizing activities constantly existed. Historical and legal sources testify, however, that public service was not distinguished as a special type of activity based on legal norms but was presented as a state service that was formed on the territory of Ukraine a very long time ago. Current norms of positive law defined it as a service that every “serving” person had to carry. With the change in the legal status of the civil service, the character of the service also underwent changes, which was embodied as the fulfillment of a duty for the benefit of the ruler, and somewhat later as a special field of professional activity. In the context of the emergence of Ukrainian statehood, attention was drawn to the fact that the need to implement state coercion and certain functions of pro-state organizations led to the formation of the civil service. It is obvious that the essence of the state system and order of each such entity that existed on Ukrainian lands determined the content and direction of the activities of public authorities and persons who performed such functions. The process of forming a qualitatively new, professional, and purposeful civil service covers a rather long period of time and is determined by the peculiarities of each stage of the historical and legal stage of the formation of Ukrainian statehood.
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