
  • R. P. Lavronov




military offence, criminal liability, army, offence, property offences.


Abstract. Dedicated to the study of the problems of criminal liability for crimes against the order of military service under the criminal law of Ukraine. The historical principles of criminal responsibility for war crimes are considered, and the conditions of criminal responsibility for these crimes are determined. This article is devoted to the analysis of the historical discourse related to criminal responsibility for war crimes. The author examines the development of legal norms and standards related to war crimes, in accordance with international and national legislation. Reviewing the historical context allows the author to highlight the evolution of ideas about military responsibility, taking into account changes in the political, social and cultural environment. The article examines the key periods and stages when the concept of military criminal responsibility was formed, taking into account important events and international conflicts. Special attention is paid to the role of international tribunals and courts in determining and punishing war crimes. The author also considers modern challenges and trends in the field of military criminal responsibility, in particular, taking into account changes in the nature of armed conflicts, the role of new technologies and global challenges in ensuring justice. This article aims to study the historical and modern aspects of the legal regulation of war crimes, as well as to understand the dynamics of changes in approaches to military criminal responsibility in the context of the international community. The relevance of the study “Historical discourse of criminal responsibility for war crimes” is extremely important in the context of modern world events and the development of international law. In particular, the study of such a topic has several key aspects of relevance: 1. International conflicts and military operations. 2. International justice and tribunals. 3. Ethics and humanitarian law. 4. Global challenges. Therefore, the study of the historical discourse is an important step in the in-depth understanding of the problems of war crimes and contributes to the development of effective international mechanisms for their prevention and punishment.


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How to Cite

Лаврьонов, Р. П. (2024). HISTORICAL DISCOURSE OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR WAR CRIMES. Kyiv Law Journal, (4), 96-100. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2023.4.14

