corruption, defense sector, administrative and legal mechanism, prevention.Abstract
Abstract. Corruption in the defense sector is particularly dangerous because this area generally accounts for a large part of the budget. Especially during the period of martial law. The consequences of corruption in the defense sector can lead to danger, regional instability and the inability of the state to respond to external threats in a timely manner. This scientific article is devoted to the issue of the administrative and legal mechanism for preventing corruption in the defense sector. The authors of the article carried out an analysis of doctrinal definitions in the field of legal mechanisms for the prevention of corruption. The authors reviewed the norms of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” in terms of the existing tools for preventing corruption and corruption-related offenses. In particular, restrictions on: use of official powers, receiving gifts, receiving illegitimate benefits, co-operation and combination with other types of activities, joint work of relatives, etc. In particular, the authors drew attention to such a tool for preventing corruption as financial control and its current normative regulation. A review of changes to the current legislation of Ukraine in the area of electronic declaration was carried out – Law of Ukraine No. 3384-IX “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Defining the Procedure for Submission of Declarations by Persons Authorized to Perform the Functions of the State or Local Self-Government in Martial Law” – in relation to persons, which refer to the defense sector. The authors focused attention on novelties in the legislation related to the submission of financial statements, taking into account the current state of war in our country. The authors of the article concluded that the main purpose of the functioning of the administrative-legal mechanism for the prevention of corruption is to ensure the preventive function as one of the directions of the state’s legal policy in the field of corruption prevention.
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