
  • H. M. Sobko
  • T. P. Mokh



violence, court psychiatric examination, domestic violence, emotional state, traces of violence.


Abstract. The article highlights the special importance of the recognition of the ship’s psychological expertise in cases of mental and psychological violence committed against children. It’s quiet at the link, so that the children still don’t know how grown up it is to take their feelings. Therefore, with the knowledge of experts, it is possible to find out how to become a child, and to reveal the traces of domestic violence, so it is possible to inflict sexual violence on a child. Everything becomes especially important in the minds of a military camp, if both fathers and children are more emotionally adventurous. Next is given the appointment of a shippsychiatric examination, as I will become a child after violence. National and foreign scholars are appointed, as they dealt with this problem. The significance of the criminalization of “domestic violence” is supported for the purpose of investigating and counteracting mental violence. The results of questioning the emotional state of children, as if they suffer from domestic violence, in addition to the relationship between the type of family violence and the emotional state of the child. The article also looks at the data of the survey of hundreds of records of sexual abuse of children. Withdrawn the results of the ship’s psychiatric examination of children, as they became evidence of domestic violence. Examination of one hundred and forty children, folded tables. The next research topic was the questioning of the effectiveness of the work of law enforcement agencies in order to prevent child abuse and domestic violence. On the basis of the investigation carried out, it was given the order to be able to positively intervene in the state of aggression in an individual, like to commit violence. It is appointed that during the conduct of the ship-psychological examination, the expert psychologist is guilty of carrying out a complex psychological and expert portrait, which includes impersonal psychological factors, a critical physiological effect. On the basis of the conducted analysis of the development of the result, as a culprit, the effectiveness of the work of psychologists on the basis of the end of the results of psychiatric behavior.


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How to Cite

Собко, Г. М., & Мох, Т. П. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL STATE OF A CHILD AFTER MENTAL AND PHYSICAL VIOLENCE. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 160-165.

