
  • R. P. Lavronov



war crime, criminal law issues, international crime, key features of crime, Criminal Code of Ukraine


This scientific article examines the modern problems of criminal law and war crimes the definition of a war crime and responsibility for its commission, the problems of protecting the rights of victims of war crimes and the development of international law in this area. The concept of “war crime” has a dualistic nature. First of all, a war crime is one of the types of international crimes, the responsibility for which is established by a number of international treaties. At the same time, most national criminal laws criminalize war crimes. This is a consequence of the implementation of the norms of international criminal law into the national one. War crimes are also provided for by the Criminal Code of Ukraine. It seems that this is due to at least three reasons: firstly, the Criminal Code of Ukraine does not use the concept of “war crime” and, despite the common generic object of these acts, provides for liability for their commission in two different sections: in Section XIX “Crimes against of the established procedure for performing military service (war crimes)” and in Section XX “Crimes against peace, human security and international law and order” of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Secondly, during the 23 years of Ukraine’s independence, we managed to avoid military conflicts. But, thirdly, the Criminal Code of Ukraine in 1960 did not single out international crimes in a separate Chapter of the Special Part. Instead, international crimes, including military ones, were provided for in Chapter I “Crimes against the state” and Chapter XI “War crimes” of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine 1960 The article draws attention to the need to understand the roots of military conflicts and war crimes, as well as the role of national and international human rights organizations in the prevention and detection of war crimes. The article also mentions the possibility of using the latest technologies to protect human rights in the conflict zone and detect and investigate war crimes. The article contains important recommendations and proposals for the prevention of war crimes and ensuring accountability for their commission, as well as for the protection of the rights of victims of war crimes.


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How to Cite

Лаврьонов, Р. П. (2023). MODERN PROBLEMS OF CRIMINAL LAW AND KEY FEATURES OF WAR CRIME. Kyiv Law Journal, (1), 294-302.

