international agreement, trade navigation, international organizations, legal statusAbstract
Peculiarities of signing of international agreements in the national merchant shipping of Ukraine are considered. The forms of the interdependence of the maritime law of Ukraine and international agreements in the current situation are to be followed. The study of the main problems of the legal status of international treaties of Ukraine in the legislation of Ukraine, and its time in the system of national law. The problems of ceremoniousness of international agreements are analyzed, including their relation to the establishment of merchant shipping and space in the legal system of the state. The main and primary element of the system of international law is the international legal norm. Under the international legal norm, it is understood that a rule was formally established for the sake of the subjects, which regulates the international state in a way for the provision of rights and obligations for such subjects and as such is secured by legal mechanisms. The international agreement is respected by the universal term, the remains of this legal force emanate from the fundamental international law. In international law, powers and international state organizations sit on the smut, shards of the international right to walk in nature, in view of that essence of the subjects of international law. The international right to serve the interests and needs of the indicated subjects, regulating the state of affairs between them, declaring their status, rights and bindings, as for all purposes is the will of the subjects of international law. It is legally clear that the arrangement of agreements and the recruitment of ceremonies by them is the subject of the law of international agreements as a part of international law and is regulated by the norms of the Vienna Convention on the Law of International Agreements of 1969. The key to this opinion is those that this group is worth less than the subjects of international law. The other sphere of legal opinion is richly folded and problematic, it is necessary to deal without intermediary dividing international law for national, forms and methods of its application and variance of conflicts between the norms of national and international law. The first problem is the subject of legal regulation of national law.
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