national defense, national interests, threats to national interests, strategic management, indicators of military danger, methods of military danger assessmentAbstract
The article considers approaches to the choice of indicators of military danger in order to assess threats to the national interests of the state. Attention is focused on the urgent need for careful attention to the analysis of the dynamics of changes in the military-political situation and assessment of the level of military danger for Ukraine. The necessity of using a scientific approach to the forecast of the level of military danger for Ukraine as a geopolitical player is formulated. The peculiarity of modern approaches to the protection of Ukraine from external aggression is determined by the nature of changes in global and regional security systems, the transitional state of post-Soviet countries, including Ukraine. Currently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have a significant number of military facilities that pose a certain threat of emergencies or man-made accidents. The key facilities include warehouses, bases, arsenals (of ammunition, fuel and lubricants and other hazardous or toxic substances), as well as production and repair enterprises subordinated to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which have hazardous technological facilities on their territory or where works on repair, maintenance and disposal of ammunition and other hazardous substances are carried out. The security environment around Ukraine is complex and dynamic. Due to the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, the struggle for influence on global financial and energy flows, global military and political instability is increasing. Leading states increase military spending, intensify the development of new weapons, increase the intensity of military exercises. Among the main tasks that require priority in the process of forming security conditions, the following deserve special attention Optimal correlation between different factors of the working environment, which ensures minimally unfavorable conditions for employees; Establishment, legalization of certain exclusion rules; Development of specific measures to improve working conditions and ensure their safety based on the use of the latest achievements of science and technology in production.
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