
  • M. V. Volchenko



natural resources, animal world, natural environment, administrative responsibility, administrative offense, animals, administrative legal protection, administrative proceedings, administrative process


This article describes the concepts, types and features of the animal world. It was determined that the animal world is a component of the natural environment, which represents the totality of all wild animals that are constantly in a state of natural freedom and live on the territory of Ukraine or temporarily inhabit it, including wild animals that are kept in semi-free conditions or in captive on land, in water, soil and air, permanently or temporarily inhabit the territory of Ukraine or belong to the natural resources of its continental shelf and exclusive (sea) economic zone. The author attributes to the features of the animal world: 1) revealing the content of the animal world, it should be emphasized that we are talking not only about wild animals, but also about those animals that live in a state of natural will (on land, in water, in the atmosphere and in soil), of partial free will or in captivity. The state of natural will should be understood as the direct natural connection of a living being with the environment, not limited by a person. This relationship is different for different species of wild animals and is determined by the biological characteristics of the species. The loss of the state of natural will by a wild animal, or vice versa, the acquisition of this state by an animal that was in captivity significantly changes its regime. Relations regarding agricultural and other domesticated animals, as well as animals kept in captivity, are not regulated by environmental, but by civil and other branches of legislation; 2) animals can be in the territory of the country temporarily or permanently. This feature takes into account the peculiarities of life activity of migratory species of wild animals. These include all organisms of animal origin: animals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, etc.; 3) the animal world is the entire set of species and population diversity of living organisms at all stages of development, parts of wild animals and products of their vital activities; 4) objects of the animal world are in a state of natural will within the spatial limits of the state’s jurisdiction, that is, on the territory of Ukraine, including its internal and territorial seas, air space, including within the exclusive (marine) economic zone of Ukraine and its continental shelf.


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How to Cite

Волченко, М. В. (2023). CONCEPTS, TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANIMAL WORLD. Kyiv Law Journal, (4), 66-70.

