efficiency, public administration, persons with disabilities, health care, authorized entitiesAbstract
This scientific paper reveals the effectiveness of public administration of the right of persons with disabilities to health care. It is noted that the introduction of a system of legal, economic, organizational, administrative measures to ensure the right to health care for persons with disabilities, unfortunately, does not mean the simultaneous implementation and effectiveness. The definition of effectiveness as a reflection of the correct choice and effectiveness of the relevant measure is possible only on the basis of establishing indicators and factors of effective public administration of the right of persons with disabilities to health care. At the same time, it is worth talking about the evaluation of effectiveness, which manifests itself in the form of a certain result and gives an idea of the effectiveness of the measures taken. It is argued that the concept of "effect" is a meaningful element. Under the effect understand the performance, action. In fact, the understanding of the term "efficiency" is associated with actions that lead to the desired consequences, ie we can say that the concept of "efficiency" is synonymous with the concept of "effective". It follows that efficiency is efficiency, result, consequence of certain reasons, forces, actions. It is proved that both the concept of "efficiency" and the concept of "effectiveness" reflect the qualitative characteristics of a particular management activity. However, these are still not synonymous words. Efficiency reflects qualitative indicators, while efficiency reflects quantitative ones. Efficiency is the ratio of quantitative indicators and the beginning of the implementation of measures to the stage of obtaining the final result. It is noted that the efficiency of public administration is the ratio of its useful result (effect) and the amount of resources used or spent for this purpose. The formation and implementation of the beneficial effect of management is a long process, sometimes stretching for months or even years. The process of public administration should be divided into separate stages and operations, highlighting the interconnected intermediate (local) and final results of the governing body as a whole and its individual parts. Management decisions in themselves are only a prerequisite for obtaining a useful effect of public administration. It is not possible to get high efficiency if the plan or decision is poorly justified, not provided with resources, but a good plan or decision may also not be implemented due to the low level of organizational work in the following stages. It is argued that the effectiveness of public administration of the right of persons with disabilities to health care in a broad sense should be considered as a system of indicators of purposeful and systematic activities of public authorities and local governments aimed at fulfilling the tasks defined in regulations on medical care, medical and rehabilitation services, provision of medicines and drugs, medical care, etc.
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