management, public administration, method of public administration, state order, measures of administrative termination, administrative coercionAbstract
This scientific article reveals the theoretical and legal aspects of methods of public management of training of lawyers in higher education institutions of Ukraine. It is noted that a significant role in the study of the system of public management of legal training in higher education institutions of Ukraine is played by the analysis of methods of public administration, which, in particular, reflect the substantive aspect of public administration. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the effective use of public administration methods affects the success of achieving the goal, performance of tasks and implementation of functions by the subjects of management in the field of training lawyers in higher education institutions of Ukraine. The methods of public administration of the training of lawyers in the institutions of higher education of Ukraine are proved to be a set of methods and means of purposeful, organizing state and power influence of subjects of public administration on objects managed by them, by which tasks are solved, goals are achieved, functions of public administration in the field of the training of lawyers in the institutions of higher education of Ukraine. The classification of methods of public management of training of lawyers in higher education institutions of Ukraine is carried out. It is argued that the methods of public administration are divided according to various criteria, in particular: the nature of methods of influencing the consciousness and behavior of people as objects of management (methods of persuasion and coercion, planning and monitoring decisions in management, ie methods of implementing management decisions); by the mechanism of influence on the managed objects (methods of direct (administrative) and indirect (economic) influence, organizational, methods of legal regulation and economic stimulation) and others. The most common types of methods of public management of legal training in higher education institutions of Ukraine are studied. It is proved that the modernization of methods of public management of training of lawyers in the Free Economic Zone of Ukraine should take into account the tasks and functions of public administration in this area and the specifics of such an object of management as higher legal education.
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