politics, public policy, public protection, infectious diseases, public administrationAbstract
In the presented scientific article, an attempt was made to disclose the theoretical and legal foundations of the state policy to protect the population from infectious diseases. Based on the analysis of various scientific studies, the theoretical distinction between the terminology series is justified: "politics," "state policy," "state policy to protect the population from infectious diseases." It has been proved that the state policy to protect the population from infectious diseases is a form of state policy, therefore it is characterized by the specificity of its sphere of implementation, the subject composition and the like. It is determined that today the state policy to protect the population from infectious diseases, as a legal category, is not properly enshrined in the current legislation and is formulated in the norms of the law through a set of powers of state authorities and local authorities in the field of protecting the population from infectious diseases. It is noted that currently the state policy on protection of the population from infectious diseases is in a state of unstable formation, as the vast majority of regulations that define public policy, identify its problematic aspects and build a strategy to address them, contain only declarative provisions and do not have a complete and timely budget funding. In addition, the state policy on protection of the population from infectious diseases is formed and implemented on the basis of analysis and taking into account the current state of the epidemic situation in the country, which sometimes leads to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen legal and administrative measures to properly ensure the implementation of state policy in the field of protection of the population from infectious diseases. It is argued that it is necessary to propose the definition of the term "state policy on protection of the population from infectious diseases", to amend the Law of Ukraine "On protection of the population from infectious diseases" in order to legislate the proposed term in Art. 1 of this Law.
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