Requirements for articles
A scientific article should involve the following elements:
1. Introduction elucidating the relevance of the research.
2. Statement of the basic material including full justification of research findings.
3. Conclusions rendering specific research findings and prospects for further developments in a particular area.
4. Bibliography (the availability of this list is obligatory and executed according to the standards of bibliographic entry (see: DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”). References to sources should be in square brackets in the text with the indication of page numbers of a particular source, e.g. [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234]).
An article should contain abstracts and keywords in Ukrainian and English and translated article’s title in English. The volume of Ukrainian and English abstracts is 1800 characters every. The number of keywords is a minimum of 5 words.
Technical requirements:
1. Article volume – from 12 to 20 pages (4 (297 × 210), margins: left – 25 mm, right, top and bottom – 20 mm) typed in Microsoft Word.
2. The entire text, Bibliography, abstracts are typed using Times New Roman, size – 14, line spacing – 1.5.
3. If an article comprises tables, formulas and (or) graphics, they should be compact and have a name (Times New Roman, 12). Tables and graphics shall not be wider than pages.
4. Mathematical formulas should be thoroughly revised and clearly typed. The formulas are presented via MS Equation. The number of tables, formulas and graphics should be minimal and appropriate. Figures and tables on broadside pages are not accepted.
5. Languages: Ukrainian, English, German, Polish, Spanish, French.
6. The article should have the following structural elements: UDC (left top corner); a section of the journal; surname and initials of an author/authors (a maximum of three authors), a scientific degree, academic rank; article’s title is in two languages: Ukrainian and English; article text; Bibliography.