
  • T. I. Begova



digitalization, artificial intelligence, legal personality, legal regulation, legal responsibility, legal nature of artificial intelligence.


Abstract. This article examines the problems of legal qualification and status of artificial intelligence, analyzescase law and scientific approaches to the interpretation of the legal status of artificial intelligence to determine themodel of legal regulation of intellectual property rights to objects created by artificial intelligence. The main directionsof introduction of the process of digitalization in the field of artificial intelligence in Ukraine are revealed, attentionis focused on the main features of the introduction of artificial intelligence in Ukraine and the world. Possible areasfor improving the legal regulation of the status of artificial intelligence in Ukraine are identified, and also the mainperspective directions of development of the legislation in the field of artificial intelligence are forecasted.Artificial intelligence has been identified as an object of study in a number of scientific disciplines and is arather complex technical and philosophical phenomenon, and therefore the definitions proposed in science to definethe concept of artificial intelligence are very heterogeneous. Emphasis is also placed on the main characteristicsof artificial intelligence: technical (software) nature, ability to self-study in data processing, automated nature ofsuch training, autonomy in decision-making, focus on achieving results that people achieve in the process of theirintellectual activity.Given the isolated features that allow to establish the closeness of the nature of artificial intelligence to thenature of the computer program, given the dynamic and continuous development of artificial intelligence and theinadmissibility of this definition due to an exhaustive list of technologies that can lead to excessive narrowing of theterm and lead to the need for its constant revision, as well as given the requirement for technological neutrality ofregulatory definitions, we propose for legal purposes to define the concept of "artificial intelligence" as a computerprogram based on – algorithms of data analysis and algorithms of formation on the basis of such analysis ofalgorithms of autonomous decision-making for achievement of the certain purpose. We consider it inexpedientfor the purposes of legal regulation to classify artificial intelligence into weak and strong, because the only thingthat distinguishes these scientifically defined types of artificial intelligence is the functional content, which is notimportant in this case to determine the legal status of artificial intelligence.


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How to Cite

Begova, T. I. (2022). LEGAL SUPPORT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Kyiv Law Journal, (4), 82-87.

