
  • R. M. Liashuk
  • V. І. Vychavka




draft normative legal act, normative legal act, law, expertise, legal expertise, tasks of expertise.


The article considers the content of the tasks of examinations of draft regulations. The content of themain tasks of the examination of the draft normative legal act is analyzed, in particular: checking the complianceof the draft normative legal act with the provisions of national legislation, assessing the compliance of the draftnormative legal act with the current level of scientific knowledge. normative legal act in case of approval of itsproject, verification of compliance with regulatory requirements.It is established that the legal examination of the draft normative legal act includes the following stages: definitionof the subject, method of regulation of the normative legal act and the degree of its compliance with the principlesof the legal system; determining the degree of consideration of the practice of normative regulation of the sphereof public relations; establishing all the substantive links of the project provisions with the norms contained in other regulations; determining the degree of compliance of the draft normative legal act as a whole and its individualelements with the requirements of legal techniques; generalization of individual assessments and formulation of ageneral conclusion on the further passage of the draft legal act.With regard to the draft legal act, the following types of expertise are carried out: legal, scientific and legal,regulatory impact analysis, environmental, anti-corruption, financial, economic and socio-psychological expertise.As a result of research of legislation and scientific works, the author concludes that the tasks of examinations ofthe draft legal act are the following issues: determining the typical characteristics of the legal act, determining thedegree of regulatory practice, determining the degree of compliance of the draft legal requirements and assessmentof such corruption-causing factors, assessment of economic and socio-psychological impact of legal norms,generalization of individual assessments and formulation of a general conclusion.


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How to Cite

Ляшук, Р. М., & Вичавка, В. І. (2022). EXAMINATION TASKS DRAFT REGULATORY ACTS. Kyiv Law Journal, (4), 43-48. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2021.4.6

