
  • O. P. Frolov




special operation, investigative (search) actions, search, inspection, investigative experiment.


This article examines the question of the existence in modern conditions of a complex organizational formof production of an investigative (search) action, characterized by the knowledge of many fragments of objectivereality located on a vast territory, and causing the involvement of a large number of law enforcement officers.By analogy with similar in meaning activities carried out in administrative and operational-search activities,the considered organizational form of investigative (search) action is called a “special operation”. The features areanalyzed and the concept of “special operation” is formulated as an organizational form of conducting an investigative(search) action. Investigative (search) action carried out in the form of a “special operation” is characterized notby a specific procedural mechanism, but exclusively by the peculiarities of its  organization. A special operationprovides for: a) unified leadership of the grouping of forces and assets by a specially created body; b) the plannedbasis, agreement and coordination of the entire complex of measures for the purpose, time, place and methodof carrying out; c) the participation of a sufficiently large number of subjects (prosecutors, investigators, employeesof operational and special power units, specialists, etc.); d) perception (identification, withdrawal and research)of a multitude of objects of different nature and size (fragments of objective reality, elements of the materialsituation), containing evidence and located on a large territory. The author’s definition of the concept of “specialoperation” is proposed: a complex organizational form of production of non-verbal (search, inspection) or mixed(investigative experiment) investigative (search) action, which provides for a unified management of a group of forces and means by a specially created body, a planned basis , coordination and coordination of the entirecomplex of measures for the purpose, time, place and method of carrying out, which is characterized by a largenumber of subjects (prosecutors, investigators, employees of operational and special power units, specialists, etc.),and is associated with perception (identification, seizure , research) of many objects of different nature and size(fragments of objective reality, elements of the material situation), containing evidence and other forensicallysignificant information and located on a large territory. The article concludes that it is in principle possible to carryout in the form of a special operation only non-verbal (search, inspection) and mixed (investigative experiment)investigative (search) actions.


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How to Cite

Фролов, О. П. (2022). SPECIAL OPERATION AS AN ORGANIZATIONAL FORM OF CONDUCTING INVESTIGATIVE (INQUIRY) ACTION. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 215-220. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2021.3.34

