crimes against electoral rights, information technology, cyberattacks, electoral process, State Voter Register, falsification of electoral documents, information security, electronic votingAbstract
The article provides a forensic analysis of crimes against the electoral rights of citizens committed with the use of information technology. The key aspects and forms of realization of these crimes in the modern digital environment of Ukraine are considered. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of crimes under Articles 157-160 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in particular, falsification of election documents, manipulation of the State Voter Register data and unauthorized interference with the Central Election Commission’s information systems. The author describes the methods used by attackers to influence the electoral process, such as DDOS attacks, entering false information into electoral databases, using botnets to spread disinformation, and interfering with the information environment by organizing online propaganda. The role of both external actors (persons who do not have official access to electoral resources) and internal actors (employees of electoral bodies) who can use their official powers to manipulate the electoral process is investigated. Particular attention is paid to the influence of Russian special services on the electoral process in Ukraine, which is carried out through social networks, Internet resources and other information and telecommunication platforms. It is revealed that these actors use fake news, propaganda and disinformation to destabilize the situation during the elections, incite separatist actions and discredit the state authorities. The article emphasizes the need to strengthen the protection of citizens’ electoral rights in the digital space by improving the legislation on information security of electoral processes. The author also discusses the issue of possible introduction of electronic voting in Ukraine, which is premature due to the high risks of cyber threats and the lack of public confidence in the electoral system.
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