objects of critical infrastructure, criminal offenses, protection of critical infrastructure, countermeasures, forensic support, investigation.Abstract
Abstract. In this article it is determined that ensuring the security of critical infrastructure is one of the most important tasks for any country, especially in conditions of war. Ukraine, faced with a full-scale invasion, is forced to rethink its approaches to the protection of critical infrastructure facilities. This applies not only to the direct protection of physical objects, but also to ensuring the security of information systems, logistics and supply. The main challenges that Ukraine faces in the field of critical infrastructure protection include the protection of enterprises, power stations, transport hubs and other strategically important objects from attacks, sabotage and other illegal actions. In addition, an important aspect is the development and implementation of effective legislative mechanisms that will allow a quick response to new challenges and threats. This complex and long-term work requires clear coordination between all levels of government, the involvement of the private sector, and the support of international partners. The article analyzes the importance of forensic science in ensuring the fight against crime at critical infrastructure facilities. Attention is drawn to the fact that without deep theoretical research and a comprehensive study of the problems related to forensic protection against criminal offenses at critical infrastructure facilities, it is impossible to effectively and comprehensively solve the actual practical issues of ensuring the security of Ukrainian society and the state. Modern capabilities of forensic security to combat criminal offenses at critical infrastructure facilities include the study of scientific categories, concepts and terms used in the process of forensic security. It also includes an analysis of the stages of formation and development, as well as the current state of forensic support for pretrial investigation of criminal offenses at these facilities. The organization of a systematic investigation of criminal offenses at critical infrastructure facilities and the effective collection and investigation of evidence are also important for ensuring the safety of society and the state. This involves not only a direct fight against crimes, but also a comprehensive approach to their prevention, which includes improving security measures and strengthening the criminal law protection of critical infrastructure.
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