housing, criminological portrait, inviolability, the subject of a criminal offense.Abstract
Abstract. This scientific article is devoted to establishing a criminological portrait of a person committing a violation of the inviolability of housing (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) based on official statistical reporting. The Reports of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine on the composition of convicts for 2019–2023 (based on “Form 7”) were studied. Statistical data of 1624 convicts were analyzed in accordance with the following categories: age of convicts at the time of the crime; occupation of convicts at the time of the crime; education at the time of the crime under Part 1 of Article 162 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Part 2 of Article 162 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. It is proven that in the study of the subject of a criminal offense provided for by Article 162 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in addition to determining and analyzing the mandatory features of the subject of a criminal offense, the establishment of a criminological portrait of a person committing a violation of the inviolability of housing (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) is of essential importance. Based on the generalization of the relevant reporting indicators regarding the criminological portrait of a person committing a violation of the inviolability of housing (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), taking into account the objective presence of minor errors in the statistical data, the most common facial features of a criminal offender who committed a socially dangerous act in the form of violating the inviolability of housing (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) were identified: a male person aged 30 to 50 years, employees with vocational, complete general secondary education and basic general secondary education. Of course, this criminological portrait of the personality of a criminal offender is approximate and conditional. Therefore, as for the personality of such a subject, it is characterized by the presence of vocational education and not a very high level of intellectual abilities, the age of such persons usually exceeds 30 years, and the gender is predominantly male. The occupation of persons committing a violation of the inviolability of housing are blue-collar jobs, but the overwhelming majority of such subjects are able-bodied persons who do not work or study, and such persons occupy a fairly low position in society.
Звіти Державної судової адміністрації України про склад засуджених за 2019–2023 роки («Форма 7»)
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