information technologies, armed aggression, martial law, weapons, artificial intelligence, military messenger, integration, improvement of legislation, training of specialists.Abstract
Abstract. The scientific publication is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the administrative and legal regulation of the use and development of information technologies in the conditions of martial law. It is noted that after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, the role of information technologies in the war has increased significantly. The use of high-tech means of defeat and artificial intelligence tools allows Ukraine to oppose the Russian army, which is several times larger in number. Use of robotic systems, unmanned aerial vehicles (FPV drones) with machine vision, and DELTA (system of military products, which includes a mobile application, military messenger, secure streaming from the battlefield, digital map, work planning tools and integration with other systems) allows the Armed Forces of Ukraine to effectively destroy units of the Russian army and plan military operations. Particular attention is focused on the need to use the latest technologies in the process of waging information warfare, namely, conducting systemic hacker attacks against Russian Internet resources, including the servers of the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Security Service and the General Staff of the Russian Federation, propaganda media, etc. Penetration into the databases of the named bodies of the public administration of the Russian Federation and the publication of information about the personalities, plans and reports of war crimes is an important evidence base for the future military tribunal to prosecute the highest officials of Russia. A conclusion is formulated on the need for legal regulation of the training of future specialists in the field of using military information technologies – the introduction of changes to the current legislation in the field of professional and technical and higher education regarding the training of relevant specialists and the approval of relevant educational and practical programs. In addition, attention is focused on the need for administrative and legal regulations to ensure the implementation of security measures for manufacturers of modern military equipment and training of specialists in the field of military information technologies. It is also proposed by a separate joint order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine to approve the strategy and procedure for the use of artificial intelligence technology in the military sphere, which will provide forms of interaction between software manufacturers and manufacturers of robotic systems and unmanned aerial vehicles in order to organize the joint production of technical equipment for military purposes with machine vision.
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