law enforcement activity, public administration, law enforcement agencies, administrative law, administrative law enforcement activity.Abstract
Abstract. The article examines and subjects to scientific analysis such a legal construction as «administrative law enforcement activity», defines and characterizes its essence, as well as legal aspects of its implementation. It is noted that the implementation of such flagship constitutional principles as legality and the rule of law has an unprecedented impact on public law and order, which is an inviolable basis for the functioning of a modern democratic, legal state. It is emphasized that law enforcement activity, the function of which is carried out by a significant array of specific public authorities, which are called law enforcement, can be considered the leading way of implementing the characterized phenomenon. It is emphasized that administrative law enforcement activity, in contrast to its other areas, is considered the least researched in modern legal doctrine, most scientific research concerns only the administrative activity of internal affairs bodies and the police, at the same time administrative law enforcement activity is not uniform, not all law enforcement agencies equally involved in it, the directions of this activity are different for them, the means of its implementation are also different. It is emphasized that the genesis of administrative law enforcement activity lies in the specific executive order of the activities of specially created state bodies, their apparatuses, services and divisions regarding the organization and practical implementation of law enforcement tasks within the limits of the powers granted to them on the basis of and for the implementation of laws and other regulatory and legal acts. It has been established that the fundamental foundations of this process are laid in the vector of the mechanism of public administration, the basic regulator of which is the provision of administrative law. It is noted that the functional definition of law enforcement can be considered the quintessence of the public-administrative content of the activity of law enforcement agencies in relation to the implementation of the law enforcement function of the state.
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