
  • O. O. Kozyr Odesa Law Academy National University




custom content, custom video, media, mass media, advertising, creativity.


Abstract. The article analyzes the definition of the concept of user content enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On Advertising” and user video in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Media”. The features of user content are defined in accordance with legislation and doctrinal approaches. It is noted that user content in modern conditions is an important source of information and is widely used not only at the level of users, but also by mass media, business entities, and the advertising industry. It has been established that according to the legislation, a person is recognized as the creator of user content, which does not emphasize the peculiarity of the legal status of its authors. In the definition of a user video, enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On Media”, the user is recognized as the creator, which emphasizes the difference of such an informative product from materials created by specialists (in particular, official media). In turn, based on the definition of the user established in the mentioned law, another important feature of the use of media services is the absence of a commercial purpose and usage for economic activity. User content has been widely applied in various areas, including its usage by mass media and business entities to promote their own products by involving wellknown bloggers in the review of products, their analysis and characteristics; advertising sphere, in particular product placement in a custom video. The following signs of user content are highlighted: it is created by users; this is information, including that which may be expressed in the form of a custom video; it is created and/or distributed on video sharing, information sharing or electronic communications platforms; it can be creative; it is open to a wide range of users of information products.


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How to Cite

Козир, О. О. (2024). LEGISLATIVE AND DOCTRINE APPROACHES TO DEFINING USER CONTENT. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 138-143. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2024.3.20

