household waste, waste sorting, waste processing, waste management, environmental pollution.Abstract
Abstract. The issue of administrative and legal regulation of household waste management in special conditions is revealed. The authors determined that there is a problem of exceeding the volume of household waste and the need to sort it, which led to the increase in the volume of household waste. The main reasons for this phenomenon are: 1) the growth of consumption, after all, as the standard of living increases, the consumption of goods and services increases, which leads to an increase in the amount of waste. Many products have a short lifespan, which contributes to the rapid generation of waste; 2) in many regions, there is an insufficient number of landfills and waste collection stations, which leads to their accumulation in the territories, as well as to environmental pollution; 3) lack of effective household waste management policies. We are talking about the lack of a clear policy in the field of waste management, which makes it difficult to control their generation and disposal. Failure to comply with the legislation can lead to negative consequences for the environment and public health; 4) the need to carry out an information policy on the sorting of household waste. It is noted that the sorting of household waste is one of the most effective ways to solve the problem of its excess. The main advantages of this process include: – reducing the amount of waste (sorting allows you to separate recyclable materials (paper, glass, plastic, metal) from non-recyclable ones, which reduces the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills); – saving resources (processing of secondary raw materials allows to reduce the need for extraction of new natural resources, reducing the negative impact on the environment and saving energy); – improvement of the ecological situation (contributes to the reduction of environmental pollution, as it reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and reduces emissions of harmful substances); – involvement of the public (sorting of household waste can stimulate public activity and responsibility, because public participation in this process forms a culture of environmental awareness); – creation of jobs (the development of infrastructure for the collection and processing of secondary raw materials creates new jobs in the sector of environmental services). However, unfortunately, in Ukraine, the issue of household waste sorting has not gained such mass support of the organization. In our opinion, the main negative factors were: 1) lack of infrastructure; 2) insufficient awareness of the population; 3) lack of a culture of household waste management; 4) low motivation for the population; 5) inconsistency of legislation; 6) lack of effective collection and recycling mechanisms; 7) limited financial resources.
Сміттєзвалища та їх вплив на довкілля. URL:
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