voluntary declaration, legal regulation, tax amnesty, de-shadowing of the economy, tax law.Abstract
The mechanism of legal regulation of tax amnesty in the wording of the Law of Ukraine of June15, 2021 №1539-IX “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine to stimulate the de-shadowing of incomeand increase the tax culture of citizens by introducing one-time (special) voluntary declaration of their due assetsand payment of a one-time fee to the budget”. The problems of normative regulation of legal relations in this areaare indicated, including: instability of tax legislation, conflicts between legal norms, insufficient level of factualand legal guarantees of non-involvement of declaring subjects for revealed violations and crimes in the fieldof taxes and currency circulation; ambiguous legal regulation of the procedure for declaring virtual assets, there isno procedure for determining the amount to which the “tax amnesty” applies if the taxpayer exceeds the amountof cash owned, the amount of 400 thousand hryvnias, imperfection of the budget system and control system , aswell as the shortcomings of the law enforcement system. Forming a culture of taxation is an important elementof a prosperous and strong society. For this purpose, conclusions and proposals were formed aimed at improvingthe Law of Ukraine of June 15, 2021 № 1539-IX, as well as improving the effectiveness of the tax amnesty. It is pointedout the need to: continue the operation of this law, establish a clear mechanism of legal regulation of the procedurefor declaring virtual assets and determine their value, determine the mechanism for calculating the value of property,property rights, financial instruments that are subject to declaration, formulate legal consequences if the taxpayers have not filed the relevant declaration, but the composition and volume of their property exceeds that specified inparagraph 10 of subsection 9-4 of the “Transitional Provisions” of the Tax Code of Ukraine. Emphasis was placedon the need to adopt a legislative act that will amend the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Code of Ukraine.
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