
  • A. O. Kozin Research Institute of Public Law




municipal services, local self-government bodies, digital technologies, availability of services, municipal services of foreign countries.


Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the study of the availability of municipal services in Ukraine; determining the role of digital technologies in ensuring the availability of municipal services. The chronology of ensuring the availability of municipal services with the help of digital technologies has been determined. The regulatory and legal consolidation and implementation of methods of providing municipal services in Ukraine are analyzed. Features of the use of digital technologies in the activities of municipal bodies are given. The role of local self-government bodies in ensuring the availability of municipal services is defined, and the powers of other bodies involved in the provision of municipal services through the use of digital technologies are defined. The authority of the local self-government body in the field of digital technologies is given, and the problems of their implementation are identified. The issue of strategic planning in the context of the implementation of powers by local self-government bodies in the field of digital transformation has been studied. The interaction of local self-government bodies with the central body that forms policy in the field of digital transformation and the results of such interaction are analyzed. The interaction of local self-government bodies with international organizations in the framework of ensuring the availability of municipal services, in particular, through the use of digital technologies, is noted. The effective experience of foreign countries in the field of ensuring the availability of municipal services, as well as the ways of ensuring such availability, and the problems faced by foreign countries in the issue of ensuring the availability of municipal services are presented. Ways of improving the functioning of local self-government bodies in the field of ensuring the availability of municipal services are proposed, as well as ways of improving the regulatory and legal regulation of ensuring the availability of municipal services, in particular, based on the effective experience of foreign countries.


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How to Cite

Козін, А. О. (2024). ENSURING THE ACCESSIBILITY OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES BY USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 62-66. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2024.3.9

