relations in the field of virtual reality, IT-law, methodology of jurisprudence, legal regulation, syncretic, synergetics, digital environment, legal hermeneutics.Abstract
Abstract. Achieving the desired results of understanding the research methodology of legal regulation of relations in the field of virtual reality must be realized by fulfilling certain conditions, the most important of which are: theoretical justification and hermeneutic-etymological analysis of all system-forming concepts of the study, selection of a balanced methodological system, strategic planning of the use of research results. The specified triad of conditions allows not only to fully characterize the subject area of research, but also creates an appropriate basis for determining the system of relationships with the already established categorical apparatus. The principles on the basis of which it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive study of the legal regulation of relations in the virtual space should include: pluralism, additionality and interdisciplinary. The conceptual idea of the study of legal regulation of relations in the virtual space is formed by such methodological approaches as information-communicative, technological, axiological, activity, syncretic, and synergistic. Taking into account the mentioned approaches and principles, it becomes possible to specify direct research methods. From the set of general scientific methods of cognition, special attention should be paid to the dialectical method, which determines the completeness of the consideration of legal regulation of relations in the field of virtual reality, taking into account the inherent obligations and identifying the interdependence of form and substance. The specified level presupposes the use of such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, induction, analogy. At the same time, in the research it is necessary to use special scientific methods of legal sciences: the method of legal hermeneutics – to reveal the peculiarities of understanding and interpretation of legal prescriptions on the basis of which legal regulation of relations in the virtual sphere is carried out; formal-legal method – which involves the study of legal acts that regulate relations in the field of virtual reality, unrelated to economics, politics, morality and other social phenomena; comparative legal – to compare the concepts, norms and institutions of different countries of the world both in the synchronous and diachronic plane.
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