
  • R. I. Yavorskyi



tourism and recreational activities, legal regulation, sustainable development, state control, legal framework, tourist services


The article examines the public-law aspects of the activities of subjects in the tourism and recreation sector, which is a key element for ensuring the sustainable development of tourism and recreational activities. It analyzes the legal status of entities in this sector, including individuals and legal entities providing tourist services, as well as the role of state and municipal authorities in regulating this sector. The impact of legal uncertainty on the activities of these subjects is identified, along with possible ways to address such issues. The article pays special attention to the issues of legal support for the sustainable development of tourism and recreational regions. The authors emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to legal regulation to prevent the degradation of natural and cultural resources, which are the foundation of the regions’ tourist attractiveness. The article also analyzes issues related to the protection of consumer rights in tourist services. Existing legislative acts regulating the safety and quality of tourist services, as well as mechanisms for protecting tourists’ rights, are considered. The shortcomings of current legal norms are identified, and recommendations are made for their improvement to enhance consumer protection and increase their trust in the tourism sector. One of the central themes is the relationship between subjects of tourism and recreational activities and state authorities. The processes of licensing, control, and supervision of the activities of these subjects are described, as well as the issues of interaction at various levels of management. Ways to improve the efficiency of regulation through the enhancement of the legal framework and interaction between subjects are considered. The article includes examples from international practice illustrating successful approaches to the legal regulation of tourism and recreational activities. These examples demonstrate how comprehensive legal regulation can contribute to the sustainable development of tourism and the protection of the interests of all stakeholders. Based on the conducted analysis, the article formulates conclusions and recommendations for improving the legal regulation of subjects in the tourism and recreation sector in Ukraine. The authors emphasize the need for the development of a clear and coherent legal framework that will promote the effective functioning of this sector and ensure the sustainable development of tourism regions.


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