property, public property, public funds, administrative-legal relations, administrative-legal protectionAbstract
The article clarifies the signs and types of public property as an administrative-legal (administrativeprocedural) category. As a result of the study, it was established that despite the existence of many criteria for the classification of public property, due to the lack of its normative definition, the separation of public property according to its intended purpose into: 1) public property, to which should include: a) railway, road, water, air routes (with the exception of those that are in private ownership in accordance with the norms of current legislation, for example, Article 25 of the Law of Ukraine «On Motor Roads»); b) boulevards, streets, alleys, roads, squares, squares, embankments, parks, entrances, driveways, parks, the legal status of which is defined in Art. 83 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and classified them as lands owned by territorial communities and not subject to transfer into private ownership; c) buildings and premises of public purpose, the list of which is defined in Appendix A to the State Building Regulations of Ukraine, which are grouped into the following groups: houses, buildings and premises of preschool educational institutions, houses, buildings and premises of educational institutions, health care institutions and recreation, physical culture, health and sports facilities, cultural and entertainment, leisure and religious facilities, establishments of trade, food and household service enterprises, institutions of social protection of the population, scientific and research institutions, transport premises intended for direct service of the population, institutions of communal economy (except production, warehouse and transport buildings and structures); 2) property that ensures the functioning of public administration bodies: furniture, office equipment, motor vehicles, means of communication, special equipment, firearms and ammunition, information databases, archival documents, etc.; 3) public funds: funds of world and European institutions, involved for use in Ukraine for the development of the public sphere, funds of the State budget, funds of local budgets, revenues, costs and expenses of the budget, funds from the provision of additional administrative services provided by entities authoritative powers.
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