appellate proceedings, administrative proceedings, administrative courts of first instance, appellate court, appealAbstract
The article is devoted to the problematic issues of appeal proceedings in the administrative judiciary of Ukraine, which determine the fairness of decisions and the stability of the legal system. The article analyzes the factors that affect the duration and effectiveness of appeal proceedings and the improvement of this process, which can contribute to faster and more effective consideration of cases, as well as determine the level of trust of citizens in administrative justice. Appellate proceedings in Ukraine are one of the stages of the trial and serve to review the decision of the court of first instance. Based on the analysis of national sources regarding the legal application of the provisions of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine, as well as taking into account the results of the doctrinal development of aspects of appeal proceedings in administrative proceedings, scientists singled out several procedural and legal factors that determine the degree of effectiveness of appeal proceedings in the administrative proceedings of Ukraine. The main ones are: 1) the unclear procedure for calculating the terms of appeal; 2) the problem of insufficient regulatory support for the requirements for preparing a case for consideration in an administrative court; 3) the possibility of the court of first instance not taking into account the negative instructions of the appellate court in case the case is returned by the appellate court; 4) the issue of compliance with the established deadlines for consideration of appeals in administrative proceedings; 5) the actual impossibility of persons appearing on the side of the plaintiff of the appeal to join the complaint; 6) insufficient conditions for the implementation of the principle of discretion by the administrative court of appeal. The article proposes to solve the most problematic issues by implementing standardized procedures, improving information exchange systems, ensuring access to legal aid and exercising effective control over the resolution of procedural issues in administrative proceedings, ensuring the procedure for calculating the terms of an appeal, improving regulatory requirements for proper preparation of a case for consideration in the administrative court, etc.
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