disciplinary responsibility, scientific and pedagogical, pedagogical, scientific workers, higher education institution, labor discipline, educational process, deontology, specialist, employment contract, labor relationsAbstract
The article discusses the main aspects of disciplinary liability of employees of higher education institutions, which is an integral part of ensuring the quality of the educational process and maintaining academic integrity. The study covers the concept of disciplinary offense, types of disciplinary sanctions and procedures for their application. The author analyzes the legal acts regulating the issues of disciplinary liability of employees in the field of higher education, which specify the relevant provisions. The main stages of the procedure for bringing to disciplinary liability are highlighted, including filing a complaint, consideration of the case, decision-making and application of appropriate measures of influence. Particular attention is paid to the rights and obligations of employees during the consideration of disciplinary cases. The author describes the rights of employees to protect their interests, provide explanations and objections, as well as their obligations to comply with the norms and rules of the internal regulations of the educational institution. The author emphasizes the importance of proper compliance with procedural requirements in disciplinary cases, which is a guarantee of fairness and efficiency of management of higher education institutions. The author provides examples of practical application of disciplinary measures and their impact on the quality of the educational process. The author analyzes the experience of foreign countries, in particular, Romania, in distinguishing between disciplinary liability and liability for violation of the rules of ethics and professional deontology. The conclusions emphasize that disciplinary liability contributes to maintaining order, ensuring proper performance of official duties and creating favorable conditions for the development of the educational environment. It is proposed to strengthen the interaction between different levels of management of educational institutions and to raise awareness of employees about their rights and obligations in the context of disciplinary responsibility.
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