legal personality, foederatio, Roman Empire, dominate, tetrarchy, Augustus, Eastern Roman Empire, Western Roman Empire, lex foedusAbstract
The proposed article is designed to highlight and analyze the key features of the state & legal evolution of the Roman Empire during the period of the so-called “dominate”. It means the period of 284-480 AD when the emperors concentrated administrative influence in their hands. At that moment, Augusti expanded their jurisdiction in the field of direct administration of the provinces. Instead, the powers of the Roman Senate were nominalized. Roman Empire de jure preserved the features of the republican form of government. So, according to the legislation, the emperors ruled the “republic”. At the same time, more fundamental signs of the “foederal” form of the state system appeared during the period of dominate. During 284-480 AD, the evolution of Roman federalism was strongly connected with the legal technique of interaction between emperors and barbarian tribes. The empire actively “granted” barbarian rulers the status of “foederati”. After serious barbarian invasions of Roman territory (376 AD and 406 AD), the legal regime of the lex foedus began to fulfill the function of protecting the ephemeral power of the Western Roman emperors in the lost lands. As one of the “exits” for themselves, the Roman Augusti recognized the possibility of “granting” the barbarian “kings” foederal status, which legalized their political structures within the imperial political and legal system. The agreements on “foederal” status signed by the Roman emperors with the Visigoths in Lower Moesia (382 AD) and Aquitaine (418 AD) should be recognized as a classic. During the 5th century AD, the Roman Empire included the “barbarian kingdoms” of the Visigoths, Burgundians, Vandals, Suevians, Alemannians, Ostrogoths, etc. All these political entities recognized the supreme power of the Western or Eastern Roman emperors. After the assassination of Julius Nepos (480 AD), the barbarian kings proclaimed the Eastern Roman ruler Zeno (476-491 AD) as their “only” emperor. Therefore, the Roman Empire did not “collapse”, but continued its historical existence with the capital in the official “Nova Roma” (Constantinople). Accordingly, the constitution and functioning of the “East” and “West” of the Roman Empire appear to be a significant historical & legal problem.
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