
  • V. V. Horb



analysis, analytical processing, analytics, counterintelligence analytics, counterintelligence activities, digital transformation, information systems.


Abstract. Attention is focused on the active processes of digital transformation in Ukraine, the constant expansion of cyberspace, due to this multiplication of digital traces, diverse information about a person on the Internet, numerous information resources and digital devices. It is noted that there is a legally regulated demand for such information among employees of law enforcement agencies and counterintelligence units. The gradual reorientation of the Security Service of Ukraine towards widespread and mass use of information systems of different functional orientation, level of information structure and scope of application is outlined. The problems inherent in intra-departmental digitization are singled out, the tasks of counterintelligence activities are represented, and the tendency to increase the share of information work related to data search and processing in information systems is indicated. A study of the semantic meaning of the terms «analysis», «analytical», «analytics» was conducted, on the basis of which a judgment was formed about the limitlessness and versatility of the etymology of analytics. An alternative term – «counterintelligence analytics» has been developed, its essence and place in the information support system of the domestic special service, as well as inherent essential features, have been revealed. The scope of use of the final information product of counterintelligence analytics is given. The dual essence of counterintelligence analytics through the prism of forms and methods of counterintelligence activity is noted and summarized on the perspective of the transformation of counterintelligence analytics into a separate form of counterintelligence. The argumentation of such a forecast is given. Proposals are provided for the development of a scientific approach to the implementation of information systems in the Security Service of Ukraine, ensuring their effective and qualitative use through the introduction of the institute of counterintelligence analytics into the operational and service activities of counterintelligence units.


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How to Cite

Горб, В. В. (2024). COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE ANALYTICS. Kyiv Law Journal, (1), 219-225.

