
  • O. V. Yaroshchuk



bullying, mobbing, psychological pressure, labor relations, administrative responsibility, protection of honor and dignity.


Abstract. It was determined that the introduction of mobbing took place before the current legislation of Ukraine took place relatively recently, which does not mean the urgency of finding ways to prevent its manifestations. It was found that the phenomenon of mobbing is characterized by a high level of latency; most of the victims of mobbing suffer in silence from the work group and most likely decide to resign and in this way get rid of the suffering from harassment and oppression. The purpose of the article is to determine the forms of mobbing as an element of an administrative offense. It was concluded that the categories of mobbing and bullying overlap in foreign publications, while according to the current administrative-delict legislation of Ukraine, the distinction between such offenses is reflected. It was found that, according to the current legislation, mobbing is committed in the field of labor relations, in the field of a person’s professional activity; while bullying is committed in the domestic sphere, as well as in the sphere of educational legal relations. mobbing can be manifested in the following forms: psychological terror; collective aggression; personal injury; intimidation. be psychological pressure as a form of negative influence on a person, aimed at his emotional and mental state. It was determined that mobbing methods are: unwanted comments and criticism, which can be in the form of a constant reminder of mistakes or shortcomings, even when they are not of significant importance; criticism can be directed at appearance, professional skills, decisions or behavior; Humiliation and ridicule, consisting in the use of sarcasm, mockery, humiliating jokes or other methods aimed at undermining self-esteem and self-respect; creation of conflict situations, which consists in the manifestation of manipulative actions to create or increase conflicts in order to cause stress and uncertainty; lack of support and recognition, which can be manifested in the form of lack of encouragement for the person’s successes and achievements, lack of support in important situations, ignoring successful excuses and efforts; sixth, in the form of constant monitoring of every action, demands for explanations and reporting even for minor matters. It has been determined that psychological pressure can lead to stress, anxiety, deterioration of self-esteem, depression and other mental problems. It is justified that mobbing must be distinguished from constructive criticism of employees.


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How to Cite

Ярощук, О. В. (2024). FORMS OF MOBBING AS AN ELEMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSES. Kyiv Law Journal, (1), 213-218.

