efficiency, competence, normative and legal regulation, local self-government bodies, regional environmental policy, correlation, sustainable development.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the work is to study the problem of the correlation of competences of subjects of the administrative-legal mechanism of ensuring the goals of sustainable development in the field of environmental protection at the regional level. It was established that the effectiveness of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy depends on its implementation at the regional level. It was determined that the region becomes a subject whose activity depends on the effectiveness of the implementation of environmental protection policy. It is emphasized that the environmental policy is a component of the national policy, which can differ the most at the regional level, and must take into account the natural and landscape features of individual territories. It is emphasized that the regional level of environmental policy implementation is a certain basis for ensuring the effectiveness of environmental protection policy implementation. It has been established that at the regulatory level, the region is understood as a separate administrative-territorial unit, but at the same time, the question of the feasibility of using such categories in the context of the implementation of environmental policy arises. It was determined that in modern conditions, the system of public authorities in the sphere of protection of natural resources in Ukraine provides for construction according to the administrativeterritorial principle, which functions at such levels as: national, regional and local (or regional). It was established that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine substantiated that the «powers of village, settlement, and city councils include the disposal of lands of territorial communities, the transfer of land plots of communal property to the ownership of citizens and legal entities, the provision of land plots for use from communally owned lands, the removal of land plots from lands of communal ownership». It was determined that in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 143 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the competence of regional and district councils includes the approval of social and economic development programs of the respective territories, that is, at the level of regions or districts, and the development and approval of all local budgets, both at the level of villages, towns, cities, and at the level of regions (districts). It was concluded that such a constitutional approach actually consolidates the disparity of competences that exists between the councils of villages, towns, cities and the councils of regions and districts, which is especially noticeable in the regulatory regulation of the implementation of the principles of financial decentralization.
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