health care, rehabilitation of servicemen, state policy in the field of rehabilitation of servicemen, provision of rehabilitation services to servicemen, rehabilitation centers, state of legal regulation.Abstract
Abstract. In order to fulfill the purpose of the research, the article defines the state of legal regulation of the provision of rehabilitation services to military personnel in Ukraine, elucidates the system of rehabilitation methods that can be applied to military personnel, singles out the most effective and effective ones among them; the analysis of international practices of implementation of rehabilitation methods for military personnel was carried out and the possibilities of their implementation in Ukraine were determined, the practice of development of rehabilitation centers as one of the areas of activity of local self-government bodies was investigated. As a result of the study, it was found that for the effective functioning of the rehabilitation system of military personnel in Ukraine, it is advisable to take a number of measures: first, it is necessary to develop programs for the comprehensive rehabilitation of military personnel, to the development of which a team of specialists will be involved, which will be headed by a doctor from physical and rehabilitation medicine, and to which, according to needs, will include doctors of narrow specialties according to the patient’s illness (cardiologist, traumatologist, neuropathologist, etc.), a physical therapy specialist, an occupational therapy specialist, as well as, if necessary, a sociologist, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, who must act comprehensively with mutual agreement; secondly, it is necessary to normatively regulate the principles of the rehabilitation team’s work, its powers, place and functions in the rehabilitation system as one of the key subjects of the rehabilitation system; when developing patient rehabilitation plans from the stage of providing emergency medical care to the outpatient-policlinic and sanatorium-resort stages, it is advisable to take into account international standards (protocols) of rehabilitation; thirdly, it is expedient to regulate the implementation of military servicemen’s rehabilitation methods in the State program of military servicemen’s rehabilitation; fourthly, it is necessary to repurpose a number of health care facilities into rehabilitation centers, or to create full-fledged rehabilitation departments with the possibility of a separate one in city (district) educational institutions; fifthly, to increase the level of prestige of the profession of a specialist in the field of rehabilitation and to expand state orders in higher education institutions for the training of such specialists.
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