state policy, law enforcement, law, legal regulation, law enforcement, law enforcement agencies.Abstract
Abstract. The article summarizes scientific approaches to state policy in law enforcement. The given concept of «state policy» is a cognitive tool for deepening human knowledge about a complex, multifaceted social phenomenon, one of the forms of intellectual activity aimed at reflecting the natural relationships and properties of state activity, the implementation of tasks and functions of state influence. It should be considered a purposeful, stable, conscious-willed, legal form of organization and implementation of the activities of the state, its authorized subjects with the help of special means, methods and procedures aimed at developing a strategic course of development of the most important spheres of life in society and tactically managing them in order to ensure human rights, coordination of interests of social subjects. In turn, law enforcement activity is defined as an object of state policy, which is carried out by authorized subjects of state administration through the use of preventive, coercive, legal, force and other measures of influence on protected social relations in order to ensure human rights and freedoms, national security, prevention and combating crime as a basis for the protection of public, public and private interests, which are legalized in the legal system. It was established that legal regulation is a powerful influence on social relations, which is carried out by the state with the help of all legal means in order to consolidate, organize, develop and protect them, aimed at reflecting and coordinating public interests for the development of the main spheres of social relations. That is why it is quite obvious that in modern conditions of martial law, the problem of qualitative improvement of the system of legal regulation of the activities of law enforcement agencies is of particular importance. The presence of international and European standards for the formation and implementation of state policy, as well as the voluntary consent of states to their obligation, inevitably leads to the introduction of these standards into national legislation, thanks to which the most desirable values for individuals and society are fixed, which become the source of state policy.
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