
  • L. V. Krupa



trade, trade activities, economic policy, trade policy, national trade security.


The scientific article is devoted to the study of the nature and content of economic and tradepolicy of Ukraine. Forms of its realization are established. The competence of public authorities that implementthe economic and trade policy of the state has been studied. Attention is paid to the analysis of measures to stimulateand restrict trade activity. The tendencies of economic development of Ukraine in retrospective and territorial aspectare explained. The article analyzes the trade policy of WTO member countries on the basis of a plan approved bythe Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.Attention is paid to the analysis of the current regulatory framework and legislative initiatives to consolidateeconomic and trade policy. A comparative analysis of economic and economic and trade policy, it is established thatthe latter is a component of economic. The content of economic and trade policy has been studied, its features havebeen singled out. The result was a definition of where economic and trade policy is aimed at harmonization withthe single world market strategic doctrine of the state, reflected in the system of means that form and implementa mechanism of legal regulation of trade relations, in order to create a socially oriented economic and trade activitieswill ensure the sustainable development of the national economy. The directions of domestic trade policy aredetermined: reduction of bureaucracy, by means of transparency of tax policy and predictability of state regulation;protection of intellectual property rights, in particular trademarks; harmonization of national standards withinternational ones; average annual GDP growth rate. The components of economic and trade policy are singled out,namely legal and legislative. The connection between economic and trade policy and national trade security hasbeen established. Its levels are defined: critical minimum of commodity supply; parameters of economic growth;control of violations of monopoly and fair competition; requirements for the degree of innovation of goods.


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How to Cite

Крупа, Л. В. (2022). REGARDING THE TRADE POLICY OF UKRAINE. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 71-76.

