protection of witnesses, unlawful influence, protection of criminal justice participants, risk assessment, management aspects, artificial intelligence, predictive models.Abstract
Abstract. The author analyzed the methodology of management decision-making in weakly structured and unstructured systems related to the protection of participants in criminal proceedings. Peculiarities of the creative approach in the process of searching for an optimal protection strategy are studied, attention is focused on the duality of formal and informal management methods, the need to involve methods of qualitative analysis and expert evaluations to solve these issues. The purpose of this study is to study management aspects within the framework of programs for the protection of participants in criminal proceedings, the problem of the ratio of objective and subjective in the process of management decision-making by the entities that provide such protection is analyzed. The author emphasizes the need to involve predictive platforms based on artificial intelligence and expert systems to solve management tasks in the field of witness and victim protection. The author focuses on the implementation of management decisions while ensuring the safety of witnesses and victims in Ukraine. The possibility of using regression models and neural networks in prognostic models of witness protection is analyzed. The importance of creating high-quality information systems based on modern OSINT-analytics methods to reduce the factor of subjectivity during the collection and classification of such information is emphasized. Attention is focused on the need to create an effective risk assessment system for persons who need protection in connection with their participation in criminal proceedings through updating the provisions of legislative and by-laws, internal instructions to create a clear and effective mechanism for identifying threats, risks and cause-and-effect relationships connections between a person’s participation in the investigation of a crime and the post-criminal impact on him or his relatives. In the author’s opinion, the creation of effective management tools to assist entities that provide such security in making effective and timely management decisions should ensure effective protection for witnesses and victims through the introduction of clear procedures and algorithms for managing protection programs at all levels of security. The development of modern information technologies will contribute to the evolution of predictive models for the prevention of crime in the field of protection of participants in criminal proceedings, which will allow management tasks to be solved at a fundamentally qualitative level.
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