
  • I. О. Roshchina
  • O. V. Kryshevych




information and telecommunication technologies, cybercrime, norms of criminal law, information security, countermeasures against cybercrime.


Abstract. The article examines issues related to the commission of criminal offenses in the field of information relations, considers the experience of international legislation in the criminal-legal counteraction of cybercrime as one of the elements of information security in Ukraine. Information and telecommunication technologies have become an integral part of the modern world, and along with their widespread use, the threat of cybercrime is also growing. Thus, cybercrime has become an actual phenomenon for many countries, including Ukraine. Cyberspace deals with various crimes such as cyber attacks, identity theft, phishing, virus attacks, attacks on critical infrastructure and many others. Ukraine, like many other countries, is taking measures to combat cybercrime. This includes improving legislation, developing cyber security measures, improving the skills of cyber security specialists and cooperating with international partners to exchange information and interact in the field of cyber security. The issue of strengthening criminal liability for criminal offenses in the field of information technology is relevant in connection with the increase in the number of cybercrimes and abuses in this field. Advances in technology present new opportunities for criminals, and the legal system must adapt to provide effective protection against such criminals. Therefore, one of the reasons for the strengthening of criminal responsibility is the need to be responsible for the commission of cybercrimes, which can cause serious damage to information systems, the economy, as well as private individuals. States can use various strategies and mechanisms to reduce the scale of cybercrime and establish an effective national response to cybercrime in international cyberspace policy. States should develop and improve legislation targeting cybercrime. This should include judicial sanctions and accountability for cybercrime, as well as transparent and clear procedures for investigating and prosecuting perpetrators. In addition, the global community is actively working on the development of standards and international cooperation to effectively combat cybercrime. Ensuring cyber security becomes a task for the country in the modern information society.


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How to Cite

Рощина, І. О., & Кришевич, О. В. (2024). СRIMINAL-LEGAL COMBAT CYBERCRIME AS ONE OF THE ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION SECURITY IN UKRAINE. Kyiv Law Journal, (4), 116-122. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2023.4.17

